2024 - FT Employee Benefits Enrollment Guide - CEP (003)
Plan Year: 2024 Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Pick the best benefits for you and your family.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians strives to provide you and your family with a comprehensive and valuable benefits package. We want to make sure you’re getting the most out of our benefits—that’s why we’ve put together this Open Enrollment Guide. Open enrollment is a short period each year when you can make changes to your benefits. This guide will outline all the different benefits Commonwealth Emergency Physicians offers, so you can identify which offerings are best for you and your family. Elections you make during open enrollment will become effective on January 1 st , 2024. If you have questions about any of the benefits mentioned in this guide, please don’t hesitate to reach out to HR.
Table of Contents Health Insurance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
Dental Insurance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Vision Insurance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Disability Income Benefits----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Basic Life Insurance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Flexible Spending Accounts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Health Savings Accounts------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
Additional Benefit Offerings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
Questions & Answers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Who Is Eligible? If you’re a full-time employee with Commonwealth Emergency Physicians, you can enroll in the benefits outlined in this guide. How to Enroll Are you ready to enroll? The first step is to review your current benefits. Did you move recently or get married? Verify all your personal information and make any necessary changes. Once all your information is current, it’s time to make your benefit elections. The decisions you make during open enrollment can have a significant impact on your life and finances, so it is important to weigh your options carefully. When to Enroll Open enrollment begins on December 11th and runs through December 20th. The benefits you choose during open enrollment will become effective on January 1 st , 2024. How to Make Changes Unless you experience a life-changing qualifying event, you cannot change your benefits until the next open enrollment period. Qualifying events include things like: Marriage, divorce, or legal separation. Birth or adoption of a child. Change in child’s dependent status. Death of a spouse, child, or other qualified dependent. Change in residence. Change in employment status or a change in coverage under another employer-sponsored plan.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
What’s new for 2024? Health Insurance - Medical We are offering the same 2 medical and prescription drug benefits for the upcoming plan year through Cigna: The Open Access Plus 500 and the Open Access Plus HSA plans. The following chart shows a brief comparison of the benefit choices available; however, please reference carrier plan summaries for detailed benefit structure.
In Network
Physician Visit Copay (Primary/Specialist)
Deductible + 60%
Deductible + Coins
Deductible + Coins
CEP will fund $200 monthly into the HSA for full-time employees
CEP will fund $200 monthly into the HSA for full-time employees
Deductible (Individual/Family)
Deductible + 20%
Deductible + 60%
Deductible + Coins
Deductible + Coins
Urgent Care Copay
Deductible + 60%
Deductible + Coins
Deductible + Coins
Emergency Room Copay Out-of-pocket Maximum (Individual/Family) Prescription Drugs Deductible Copay
Deductible + 20%
Deductible + 20%
Deductible + Coins
Deductible + Coins
N/A $10/$40/$60
N/A 40%/60%
Combined w/Medical $10/$40/$60
Combined w/Medical 20%/80%
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Your Cost in 2024
Monthly payroll deductions for full-time employees are detailed below:
Employee Only
Employee & Spouse Employee & Children
Employee & Family
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Health Insurance - Dental In addition to protecting your smile, dental insurance helps pay for dental care and usually includes regular checkups, cleanings, and X-rays. Several studies suggest that oral diseases, such as periodontitis (gum disease), can affect other areas of your body—including your heart. Receiving regular dental care can protect you and your family from the high cost of dental disease and surgery. We are keeping Cigna as our dental provider for 2024. The following chart outlines the dental benefits we offer.
Type of Service
Deductible (Ind/Fam)
Preventive & Diagnostic Services
Exams, Cleanings, Routine X-rays, Sealants – 100%
Basic Services
Fillings, Extractions, Periodontics, Root Canal - 90%
Major Services
Crowns, Dentures, Bridges —50%
50% No Ortho Deductible - $ 1,500 Lifetime Max
50% after Deductible
Annual Maximum
Employee only—$0.00 Employee & spouse—$45.86 Employee & child—$48.58 Family—$110.42
Monthly Payroll Deductions for all eligible employees
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Health Insurance - Vision Driving to work, reading a news article, and watching TV are all activities you likely perform every day. Your ability to do all these activities, though, depends on your vision and eye health. Vision insurance can help you maintain your vision as well as detect various health problems. Commonwealth Emergency Physicians’ vision insurance entitles you to specific eye care benefits. Our vision policy has been renewed with Cigna for the period 2024. Your vision benefits include the following:
Type of Service
CIGNA VISION – C1 Standard PPO Comprehensive In Network Out-of-Network Frequency
Exam Copay
12 months
Up to $45
12 months
Exam Allowance
100% covered after copay
Materials Copay
12 months
Eyeglass Lenses Allowances Single Vision Lined Bifocal Lined Trifocal Lenticular Contact Lenses Allowances Elective Therapeutic
100% covered after copay. 100% covered after copay. 100% covered after copay. 100% covered after copay.
Up to $32 Up to $55 Up to $65 Up to $80
12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Up to $130 100% covered
Up to $105 Up to $210
12 months 12 months
Frame Retail Allowance
Up to $140
Up to $77
12 months
Employee only—$6.21 Employee & spouse—$12.41 Employee & child—$12.54 Family—$20.01
Monthly Payroll Deductions
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Disability Income Benefits Commonwealth Emergency Physicians provides full-time employees working 20 or more hours per week, except for any person working on a temporary or seasonal basis, with short- and long-term disability income benefits. At Commonwealth Emergency Physicians, we want to do everything we can to protect you and your family. That’s why Commonwealth Emergency Physicians pay for the full cost of short- and long-term disability insurance—meaning that you owe nothing out of pocket. This year Reliance Standard is again our disability income benefits provider. If you become disabled from a non-work-related injury or sickness, disability income benefits will provide a partial replacement for lost income. Please note, though, that you are not eligible to receive short-term disability benefits if you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits. A Brief description of the key features of the RSL insurance plan is described below. Insurance is provided under group policy form LRS-6564.
Short-term Disability
Long-term Disability
Injury (accident): On the 1 st consecutive day of disability. Sickness (illness): On the 8 th consecutive day of disability. Or the day following the number of accumulated sick days applicable to the employee. The weekly benefit is an amount equal to 60% of covered earnings, up to a maximum benefit of $2,500 per week. Maternity is covered as any other illness. Non-Occupation coverage Partial Disability benefits included. Transfer of Coverage provision
90 consecutive days of total disability
Day Benefits Begin
The monthly benefit is an amount equal to 60% of covered earnings, up to a maximum benefit of $10,000 per month.
Benefit Amount
Work Incentive and childcare provisions Extended Disability Benefit FMLA Continuation Minimum Benefit Payable - $100 Own Occupation Coverage – 24 months Survivor Benefit – 3 months Benefits will not extend beyond the longer of Social Security Normal Retirement Age or Duration of Benefits according to the chart.
Maximum Benefit Duration
Paid up to a maximum of 13 weeks.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Basic Life & AD&D Insurance Life insurance can help provide for your loved ones if something were to happen to you. Commonwealth Emergency Physicians provides full-time employees with $50,000 in group life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance. Commonwealth Emergency Physicians pays for the full cost of this benefit—meaning you are not responsible for paying any monthly premiums. Contact HR if you would like to update your beneficiary information.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Flexible Spending Accounts Paying for health care can be stressful. That's why Commonwealth Emergency Physicians offers an employer-sponsored flexible spending account (FSA) through Total Administrative Services Corporation - TASC. What Is a Health Care FSA? A health care FSA lets you use pre-tax dollars for certain IRS-approved medical care expenses not covered by your insurance plan. For example, cash that you now spend on deductibles, copayments, or other out-of-pocket medical expenses can instead be placed in the health care FSA on a pre-tax basis. For 2024, the annual FSA contribution limit is $3,200. The qualified transportation limits in 2024 are $315 per month for parking and $315 per month for transit. Under these programs, employees may have money withheld from their taxable compensation to pay for or reimburse work-related expenses for qualified parking, transit passes, and transportation in certain commuter highway vehicles. What Are the Benefits of a Health Care FSA? There are a variety of different benefits of using a health care FSA, including the following: It saves you money . Allows you to put aside money tax-free that can be used for qualified medical expenses. It’s a tax - saver . Since your taxable income is decreased by your contributions, you’ll pay less in taxes.
It is flexible . You can use your FSA funds at any time, even if it’s the beginning of the year. For the 2024 plan year, you may roll over unused funds—up to $640 to use in the following year. What Is a Dependent Care FSA?
Like health FSAs, dependent care FSAs allow you to contribute pre-tax dollars to qualified dependent care. The maximum amount you may contribute each year is $5,000 (or $2,500 if married and filing separately). How Do I Enroll? Fill out the FSA Enrollment Form during open enrollment at the online portal. Even if you signed up last year, you must re-enroll for 2024.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Health Savings Accounts Health savings accounts (HSAs) are a great way to save money and budget for qualified medical expenses. HSAs are tax advantaged savings accounts that accompany high-deductible health plans (HDHPs). HDHPs offer lower monthly premiums in exchange for a higher deductible (the amount you pay before insurance kicks in). What Are the Benefits of an HSA? There are many benefits of using an HSA, including the following: It saves you money. HDHPs have lower monthly premiums, meaning less money is being taken out of your paycheck. It is portable. The money in your HSA is carried over from year to year and is yours to keep, even if you leave the company. It is a tax-saver . HSA contributions are made with pre-tax dollars. Since your taxable income is decreased by your contributions, you’ll pay less in taxes. The maximum amount that you can contribute to an HSA in 2024 is $4,150 for individual coverage and $8,300 for family coverage. Additionally, if you are age 55 or older, you may make an additional “catch-up” contribution of $1,000. You may change your contribution amount at any time throughout the year if you don’t exceed the annual maximum.
The information in this Enrollment Guide is presented for illustrative purposes and is based on information provided by the employer. The text contained in this guide was taken from various summary plan descriptions and benefit information. While every effort was taken to accurately report your benefits, discrepancies or errors are always possible. In case of discrepancy between the guide and actual plan documents, the actual plan documents will prevail. All information is confidential, pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. If you have any questions about the guide, please contact HR. The information in this Enrollment Guide is presented for illustrative purposes and is based on information provided by the employer. The text contained in this guide was taken from various summary plan descriptions and benefit information. While every effort was taken to accurately report your benefits, discrepancies or errors are always possible. In case of discrepancy between the guide and actual plan documents, the actual plan documents will prevail. All information is confidential, pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. If you have any questions about the guide, please contact HR.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Additional Benefits Offerings As a Commonwealth Emergency Physicians employee, you are also eligible to enroll or participate in the following voluntary programs: Legal Shield – Legal Services. Please contact HR for the details.
Commonwealth Emergency Physicians
Questions & Answers What changes are effective Jan. 1, 2024? Enrollment in an FSA plan. What Forms Must Be Completed? Fill out the Flexible Spending Account Enrollment Form/Direct Deposit Form to enroll, re-enroll, or waive enrollment for the new plan year. If I Want to Make Changes, What Forms Must Be Completed? Make your changes online. Other Information: New elections must be held to continue participating in an FSA. If you do not make changes to your current medical, dental, and vision elections, those elections will remain the same for the plan year Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st, 2024.
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